Dear Green friends,
We would like to ask your parties if you could help the Italian Greens in view of the national elections in Italy.
The Italian national elections will be held in the first part of 2006.
There are already around two and half million registered Italian voters abroad plus around another two million who have not registered.
We are asking for your help to try and get more votes for the Italian Green party in what could be a decisive election for the return of greens to government.
At the moment, the Italian Consulates and Embassies abroad are checking on the electoral lists of Italians in their areas.
We would be most grateful if you could put notices on your websites and party newspapers urging Italian citizens in your countries to ensure with the Italian consulate that they have registered for next year’s elections (hoping we target green voters mostly, of course!!).
If you could do this immediately, it would help.
Chicco Negro will be following up the issue. Please do inform us of any follow up on your part, with an email to Chicco, copy to Arnold Cassola.
Thanking you for all your help,
Kind Regards,
EFGP Spokesperson Grazia Francescato
EFGP delegate Chicco Negro
EFGP Secretary General Arnold Cassola
FUENTE: Italian Greens
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